An overview of California Time and Labor Company's solutions and capabilities. (Approx. 4MB)
An overview of California Time and Labor Company's LABORsuite system. (Approx. 3MB)
A promotional flyer with a brief overview of Pacific Timecard's key features and capabilities. (Approx. 3MB)
A flyer with a brief overview of Catalina Time Tracker's key features and benefits. (Approx. 7MB)
A promotional flyer with a brief overview of our various benefits. (Approx. 2MB)
A promotional flyer with a brief overview of our payroll services. (Approx. 1MB)
A promotional flyer with an overview of talent recruitment features and benefits. (Approx. 2MB)
An overview of California LABORsuite's key features and benefits. (Approx. 32MB)
A promotional video with an overview of Pacific Timecard's key features and capabilities. (Approx. 17MB)
A basic overview video outlining the reports process. (Approx. 12MB)
A video outlining the functions of Smart Fence. (Approx. 10MB)
An overview of the premium pay setup. (Approx. 16MB)
A basic overview video outlining mobile app usage. (Approx. 13MB)
A video outlining managing tasks. (Approx. 6MB)
A video outlining background checks. (Approx. 23MB)
An overview of employee self service. (Approx. 2MB)
An overview of managers' self service. (Approx. 4MB)
An overview of the onboarding process. (Approx. 4MB)
How an employee enrolls in Benefits. (Approx. 18MB)
A video outlining the employee benefit registration process. (Approx. 8MB)
A video outlining how to add an employee to the benefits portal. (Approx. 5MB)
A video outlining enrollment for benefits. (Approx. 2MB)
A video outlining the details of the payroll process. (Approx. 12MB)
A video outlining how to navigate the portal. (Approx. 6MB)
An overview of the employee portal. (Approx. 7MB)
An overview of the reporting process. (Approx. 10MB)